Message From The Head of Secondary | About Us | DIA Al Barsha | Dubai, U.A.E

Message From The Head of Secondary



andrew johnson
HEAD OF secondary

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Dubai International Academy Al Barsha Secondary School. Our Secondary School is an exciting, vibrant community, in which students are inspired and motivated to achieve to their full potential. As a proud International Baccalaureate (IB) World School and a truly international school with over 60 nationalities represented in our student body, we are committed to providing a holistic education that not only inspires and motivates students academically, but also equips them with the skills and mindset necessary for success as they progress to the world of higher education and beyond. Through the dedicated support of our highly qualified and experienced teachers, both pastorally and academically, DIA Al Barsha is a school in which our students thrive.

Students join our Secondary School at the start of Grade 6 (11 years old) where they will study the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) until they complete Grade 10. This programme will provide students with the foundation of skills and knowledge required across a range of subjects to allow them to progress onto the next phase of their secondary studies, with an emphasis on critical thinking, global awareness and personal development.

In Grade 11, students are given the opportunity to follow the IB Diploma Programme (DP), an academically rigorous and highly regarded programme in which students study a broad and balanced curriculum, which develops the breadth and depth of knowledge required to progress to higher education. 

Alternatively, Grade 11 students can follow the IB Careers-Related Programme (CP), a pathway which provides students with the opportunity to pursue career related education alongside their academic studies, combining a core curriculum with career specific study and personalised learning opportunities. 

Both these pathways will develop young people who are inquiring and knowledgeable, ready to progress to higher education. 

Our Secondary programme is underpinned by the IB learner profile which, amongst other things, challenges our students to be open-minded and to take risks; and indeed to tackle all challenges presented to them in a balanced and reflective way. In doing this, our expert teachers promote the development of our student’s natural potential and nurture their individual talents and passions so that they may excel in the world of tomorrow. 

Our academic curriculum is rigorous, and the curriculum is further enhanced by a wide range of Co-Curricular activities, aimed at developing students’ skills and experiences in areas such as leadership, sport, arts, adventure, language, service and advanced academics. 

Schools around the world differ in curricula and approach, but great schools have one thing in common; a focus on the student at the heart of everything that is done. At Dubai International Academy Al Barsha we aim to be at the forefront of developments in education for just this reason. We pride ourselves on developing students that leave us with a competitive advantage that puts them significantly ahead of their peers both locally and globally. 

The best way to get a ‘feel’ for a school is to see it for yourself, and so I invite you to come and see us in action. I’m confident you’ll be amazed at what you see. 

andrew johnson
HEAD OF secondary

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